About Us
The BRUM (Building Retrofit UK Masters) database aims to compile Masters level research focused on understanding buildings and retrofitting in the UK.
Unlike PhD research, there is no systematic method for recording MSc/MA research theses and dissertations in the UK. While some institutions have their own systems for sharing past research with current students, platforms like Google Scholar and ResearchGate often miss a significant portion of research at this level.
The aim of BRUM is to address this gap by capturing such research, identifying areas where there are gaps, and minimising repetition. Through these endeavours, BRUM strives to drive progress and innovation in the field of building retrofitting across the UK.
The BRUM is not just about completed research, it’s also about what is happening now.
So if you’re embarking on some research and looking for a practical case study project or if your delivering a project and would love someone to help you wade through the data, please get in touch. Or maybe you are looking for people who are researching similar topics … just get in touch via the forms in this website.
It’s all about fostering radical collaboration!
This initiative hinges on radical collaboration, and we need your participation. The success of BRUM depends on researchers like you choosing to list your work on the platform. Your contribution involves simply providing an abstract and a multiple-choice of topics relating to your research along with author details which, rest assured, will not be displayed online. As the author, you retain full control—deciding whether or not to respond to any enquiries directed to you.