The BRUM Webinars
You can now watch the webinars held on 13th June and 2nd October below. They are short, to the point, and full of useful information about The BRUM.
The BRUM (Building Retrofit UK Masters) database aims to list Masters level research related to understanding buildings and retrofit in the UK.
Unlike PhD research, there is no systematic way MSc / MA research theses and dissertations in the UK are recorded. Some institutions have their own systems for making current students aware of past research. There is Google Scholar and ResearchGate, but a significant amount of research at this level slips through the net.
The BRUM is about trying to capture that research. To try to show where the gaps are and reduce some of the repetition. To move things forward and enable the UK to retrofit buildings better.
Please would you consider uploading your research to this site. Simply complete the form at
The BRUM Current Research Network
The BRUM isn’t just about completed research, it’s also about what is happening now. The BRUM Current Research Network can put you in touch with others in your field – whether you’re looking for research buddies or offering a project as a case study.
So if you’re embarking on some research and looking for a practical case study project or if your delivering a project and would love someone to help you wade through the data, please get in touch. Or maybe you are looking for people who are researching similar topics…just get in touch. There will be facility on the website to find other individuals in the same situations.
Who is behind The BRUM?
From our experience and talking to both academics and industry professionals, a considerable number of people have said a database of retrofit research would be useful, but no organisation has picked up the baton. So we have…
Why are we doing this?
Following in the footsteps of so many other bottom up organisations, we have decided to set up because we can see a need and no-one else has attempted to do something about it
The BRUM is a wonderful opportunity for some radical co-operation – rather than repeating research, it should help to find the gaps, the areas that are overlooked
Diane Hubbard of Home Energy Doctor says : “I spent hundreds of hours on my MSc thesis – blood sweat and definitely tears. It would be great if it could help other people to push my area of research further forward. We can’t ignore the climate crisis and the limited period we have for coming up with workable solutions for retrofit at scale. Let’s pool our resources and make a difference!”